Blinking Cute Box Cat Training Program Template(TPT) versi 2 ~ Apapun Tugas Mata Kuliah

Jumat, 11 November 2016

Training Program Template(TPT) versi 2

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Training Program Template
1.      Training program name: Practice making circuit alarm with oscilloscope.
2.      Program  goals : How we can make alarm circuit simulation with different frequency
3.      Underpinning knowledge and skill required :Use Software NI MultiSim 11.0.
Training and Assesment Profil


Competency Out Come
Performance Criteria
Time Allocation
Assesment Evidance Required

Practice Making Circuit Alarm.

1.1 Insert 1 diode at multisim
1.1.1 Insert 1 diode FWB.

3 minutes

1.2 Insert 1 Resistor at multisim.
1.2.1 Insert 1 Resistor 1.07 kΩ.

3 minutes

1.3 Insert 1 capacitor at multisim.

1.3.1 Insert 1 capacitor 10 uF.

3 minutes

1.4 Insert 1 Buzzer at multisim.

1.4.1 Insert 1 Buzzer 2000 Hz

3 minutes

1.5 Insert 1 Power supply AC at multisim.

1.5.1 Insert 1 Power supply AC 120 Vrms.

3 minutes

1.6 Insert 1 Transformer at multisim.

1.6.1 Insert 1 Transformer TS_PQ4_10.

3 minutes


1.7 Insert 1 Oscilloscope at multisim.
1.7.1 Insert 1 Oscilloscope.
3 minutes
1.8 Formating a circuit and see the waves
1.8.1Make components to be connected,Making the the circuit in order to produce sound and See waves with oscilloscope   

20 minutes


(page 2)
      Question                          : Why is voice on every different series ?
Comment                         :
Result                              :
Competent                       :
Not Yet Competent         :
Lecture                             : Hilmansyah S.T, M.T
                                                                                              Balikpapan, 30 November 2015
     Student                                                                                              Lecture
Julia Maulinda                                                                             Hilmansyah, S.T, M.T
NIM: 150309279593                                                                  NIP: 19760820 201001 1 003
Image circuit alarm :

Image circuit alarm :


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